
Beam me up, Scotty

This is one of the more amusing ways I've found to waste some time. What science fiction crew would you best fit in with? Find out at the Quizfarm! Apparently, I should take the red pill, because according to the quiz I best fit in with the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar.


Blogger Nic said...

After filling out the survey twice (the first time I had java disabled so it erased all my answers) I ended up with Babylon 5. Given the choices I would prefer Moya from Farscape or the SG-1 team from Stargate which came in 5th and 6th. Most suprisingly the Enterprise D came in last for me, although Deep Space 9 was 8th (of 12). Pretty low considering I figured they would be really high.

6/12/2006 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Serenity, from Firefly. Good thing I watched a couple of episodes.

(It's pretty good on DVD, actually.)

6/13/2006 12:01 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

Second for me was the Millenium Falcon, only 2 percentage points behind the Matrix. I can live with that ;) Further behind, my third was the DS9 crew. The Enterprise was pretty far down my list as well. Too bad they didn't have the original Star Trek crew as one of the options (at least, I don't remember seeing it)

6/13/2006 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B5 for me. oddly I had about 5 clustered together...B5, DS9, X files, Galactica and Millenium Falcon. Enterprise dead last (6%) and the only one below about 40%.

6/16/2006 9:35 PM  

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