The garden is really starting to pick up now. We've had cukes and zukes and squash for a few weeks already, and at least the zuchinni are still going strong, but now the tomatoes are finally maturing. In case you're wondering about the heirlooms: the lobed ones in the middle are Consuelo Genovese, while the black one on the left is Black from Tula. The dark one in the middle is Black P

rince, while the pink one in the lower left is from German Queen.
The smaller ones on the top are a mix of Jet Star and Early Girl that we plant for some early production (although only the Early Girl beat the heirlooms). Most of the cherry tomatoes are from the ordinary Cherry Red 100. Some of them, however, are from Husky Cherry Red, which has the most unusual leaves I've ever seen. They are broad and dark like a Brandywine, but ridged almost like a potato chip and very stiff (see last picture). It forms a short, dense bush that resists weather and grows well in a container. It has a good to

mato flavor and is tarter than the average cherry, which is good because I think a lot of cherry tomatoes are overly sweet. As should be clear, I heartily recommend it.
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