
New Blog section on homebrewing
Drink of the Month - Cranberry Juice
What does all of this mean? Well to me, it says “Drink more cranberry juice!” It is important to realize however, that the “cranberry juice cocktail” or the cranberry juice blends found at the grocery store are usually mostly apple or grape juice, and contain very little actual cranberry juice. The reason for this is that the taste of straight, unsweetened cranberry juice is a potent as its antioxidants. To get the health benefits and avoid the excess sugar, head to the organic section and pick up any of several available (at least in Massachusetts) 100% unsweetened cranberry juices. I might as well warn you, the taste will take your head off. It is impossibly tart – chomping on raw rhubarb (which I am known to do) pales by comparison. Try it straight up once just for the experience – I doubt you’ll want to do it twice. To make it palatable, I mix 1 part cranberry with 2 parts orange juice (or 1 to 1 if I’m feeling adventurous). At this strength, cranberry still completely dominates the flavor but I think it is quite tasty. One final note of caution: I learned from rather disturbing experience that if you drink a lot of 100% cranberry juice in a short time (a quart in 24 hours is enough) two things could happen 1.) Your stomach may not react so well – cranberry juice is tart, acidic, and loaded with tannins 2.) Your feces will turn green. Really. It is apparently due to the metabolic byproducts of the red pigments in the juice. Go figure.
Beam me up, Scotty
Visiting Purgatory...

These are photos of Bug and I hiking in Purgatory Chasm on Memorial Day (incidentally, the last time New England saw the sun, except for Tuesday this week when I managed to get the lawn mowed!) I think it's safe to say he enjoyed it as much as we did. And why wouldn't he? He looks like a mahout on his very own pachydaddy...